Do’s and Don’ts Of Post-Waxing Care

One industry that never seems to run out of innovations and ideas is the beauty and the healthcare industry. More and more innovations, ways and methods for personal care and grooming influx the market regularly. One such care that has become vogue now is Brazilian wax. Basically, in the waxing routine, pubic hair is groomed and then removed from the frontal area of the pubic bone and then around the external genitals, areas between the upper thighs, and around the anus. One may choose to remove all hair in the area or leave a small strip of hair in the front. The effect of the waxing lasts for around three to four weeks. It is not painful, therefore making the experience time-efficient, cost-effective, and comfortable. The best part of this treatment is that one can enjoy it in the comfort of their home as Brazilian wax has become an intrinsic feature of beauty services at home in Dubai

However, there are specific measures that one has to consider post-waxing to ease any lingering pain or uneasiness or make the effect last longer and enjoy all that Brazilian wax has there to offer. 

The Do's of Post-Waxing Care

(1) Applying a post- depilatory lotion 

A post depilatory lotion is designed explicitly for post-waxing care. It treats sensitive and vulnerable skin by caring, soothing and protecting in one go. It removes the waxy residue and avoids red bumps and ingrown hairs. In addition, a depilatory cream helps the skin return to its initial state and restore its optimal pH balance. 

(2) Applying cold compress 

Cold compresses minimise the red bumps, inflation or irritation that might arise post waxing. In addition to that, it works as a calming agent. Applying ice or a cold pack directly in the waxed area soothes the endodermis of the skin. 

(3) Applying cooling gels 

Tree oils or aloe vera based cooling gels are ideal for protecting, nourishing and naturally refreshing the waxed area. 

(4) Wearing loose clothes 

Post waxing, try to wear loose clothes as much as possible and, more importantly, comfortable and softest pair of underwear you own. One has to avoid friction and sweat, which increases the risk of irritation or infection. 

The Don’ts of Post-Waxing Care

(i) Avoiding sex 

It might sound extreme, but it is a preventive measure. Refrain from having sex for a few days after waxing since the skin is sensitive in the first 48 hours post-waxing. The friction and sweat can harm the skin at that vulnerable juncture. 

(ii) Avoiding hot tubs and baths 

The hair follicles remain open after waxing. Therefore, it is advised to wait for 6 hours for the skin to recover before you moisturise it with water. Moreover, if you wish to take a bath after waxing, take a cold shower instead of a hot bath because it will only aggravate skin irritation. 

(iii) Avoid gyming 

No matter how a gym freak you are, gyming post waxing is a strict no-no. Intense workouts would lead to excessive sweating, causing infection and irritation to the skin and breakouts from the friction. When gyming, you can't avoid sweating, and sweating disturbs the skin's pH balance, which in turn can cause inflammation and red patches. 

(iv) Avoid swimming pools and beaches.

Be it swimming in the pool or going to the beach; both can affect the skin adversely since salt water can make the skin even more sensitive post waxing, causing bumps. In contrast, the chlorine in the pool water can be harsh to your already vulnerable skin, and even the slightest presence of bacteria can cause infection. 

One must understand that the skin is sensitive to irritation, breakouts, and bumps post-Brazilian wax. It can only be prevented by avoiding sweat, friction and exposure to warmth. Therefore, adopting the above measures will help your skin get the time it needs to restore the pH balance and give you nothing but smooth, soft and supple skin free of ingrown hair and redeems the virtues of a Brazilian wax.

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