Why Do Foot Massages Make One Feel So Good?

 In this chaotic, time-driven, and fast-paced living, moments of relaxation soothe the mind and works as a sanctuary for the body from within. People seek ways to escape the monotonous and non-leisure everyday life, which keeps them on their nerves. And the more we advance, the business and stress of life and living seem ceaseless. Lately, massages have become the topmost preference for people to relax and soothe their bodily system—new and innovative ways to cater to the same flood in the booming market each day. With the initiation of indoor and doorstep services, people from all walks of life and age are taking massages as a regular part of their wellbeing. In this trend, there lies an exciting observation. There lies a swelling demand for specifically foot massages among the various reforms provided by home salon services in Dubai. What is it about foot massages that feel so good? 

To explore all the walks of life, an individual has to walk a lot, no doubt—especially women who make this more enduring with high heel wear. And as much as we delve into the importance of other body parts, we quite conveniently take our feet for granted. However, that must not be the case. Our feet are a complex structure. Would you believe that 25% of the bones in our body are located in the feet? Therefore, our feet must get the proper care with 33 joints, 26 bones, more than 100 muscles, ligaments and tendons, 250,000 sweat glands, and 15,000 nerve endings. Foot massages fulfil this purpose in varied ways. 

Body relaxation 

A foot massage improves circulation and helps the lymph and blood systems to remove toxins. That is why the very minute you start massaging your feet; your body starts relaxing because it does not target only the foot but the entire body as per foot reflexology. It alone can restore imbalances in other areas of the body, especially in easing the tension in the lower back, legs, and entire body by triggering the body's feel-good hormones. 

Relieves depression and anxiety 

According to foot reflexology, there are specific points along the feet that, when massaged, treat the symptoms of depression. Massaging these particular points, even for 3 minutes straight, can make one feel better. For example, the area between your big toe and the ball of your foot is related to mental health and stability. When this is massaged a few minutes each day, it elevates mood significantly. After a long working, stressful and tense day, massaging the foot decompresses the tension. It gives unmatched comfort, especially if you have been standing or walking most of the day. 

Better sleep 

After the whole day, foot massages ease your feet, relaxes your body and soothe your mind, giving you peaceful sleep. Therefore bedtime is the best time to do foot massaging. 

Improved blood circulation 

Neglecting feet, not doing exercise and wearing the wrong footwear does a lot more damage to your feet than you realise. It hinders blood flow to certain areas of the feet, exceptionally high heeled or pointed toe wear. This impediment of blood circulation can lead to serious health issues in the future. Giving your feet a quick massage is a must to help your body transport oxygen to those areas. 

Thus foot massages do more wonders to the body than meets the eye. It aids in pain relief, muscle spasms and inflammation, and other foot-related problems in furtherance to soothing and relaxing the body, curing depression and improving circulation significantly. So foot massage is an inherent part of your overall health wellbeing. Therefore, one should adopt the practice in their everyday routine.

Blog Source URL: https://www.sweetvioletspa.ae/blog-detail/why-do-foot-massages-make-one-feel-so-good


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