Tips You Must Follow After Your Keratin Hair Treatment

Waking up every morning to damage rough and tangled hair can upset your mood. We all dream of having silky, shiny, and healthy hair, just like many commercials show. But is it possible to get straight, smooth, manageable, soft, and strong hair?

Well, the answer is yes! The struggle to get straight hair through ironing or blow-drying them is real. A lot of effort goes into doing these temporary hair treatments, and they are also not pocket-friendly. If you are looking for a permanent solution to make your hair frizz-free and strong, try Keratin hair treatment.

Looking good with properly groomed hair makes our personality shine. Keratin Hair Treatment makes our dream of having perfect hair true. Keratin is a chemical process to remove the frizz from the hair, making it smooth, silky, and manageable. Many people are often confused about the changes keratin treatment will bring to their lifestyle. 

So let’s know the do’s and don’t after getting a keratin treatment.

1. Wash The Right Way

Keeping the scalp clean is the most important part of making your hair healthy. If you are not washing your hair regularly, you may start noticing excess oil in your hair leading to dandruff and hair fall. After getting a keratin treatment, you should ensure that you wash your hair every 2-3 days.

2. Use Special Shampoo

The chemical structure of your hair changes after getting the keratin treatment so you cannot use your old shampoo. You need to apply special shampoo and conditioner to your treated hair so that the keratin treatment stays long. Use sulfate and cruelty-free shampoos.

3. Protect Your Hair

Protecting your hair from dust, pollution, and sun rays is very important. Initially, you need to be very careful and not expose your keratin-treated hair to extreme dust or pollution. While stepping out in the sun, cover your hair so that they are protected. 

4. Don’t Worry About The Frizz

Keratin treatment has proven to be very effective in removing the frizz and dullness from your hair. Once you get this treatment done, you no longer have to worry about frizz. You can have presentable hair always, and no need to worry about using styling them.

Things You Need To Avoid For Few Days After Keratin Treatment

Once you have the perfect keratin hair treatment, you should follow the protocol of saying no to certain habits.

(1) Avoid clips and headgears

You need to say no to clips, hair bands, or ponytails for some time. After getting a keratin treatment, you are not allowed to tie your hair.

(2) Take A Silk Pillow

If you have been using a regular cotton pillow, it’s now time to bid farewell and bring home a silk pillow. Silk cloth will prevent frizziness and tangling of your hair resulting in less hair fall.

(3) Do Not Touch Your Hair 

If you have the habit of playing with your hair continuously, then make a conscious practice of not touching them for a few days after their treatment. 

(4) Avoid Being Sweaty

If you have the habit of gymming or exercising, then say no to them for a few days. You have to avoid being sweaty as it will make the hair wet and frizzy, disturbing the keratin treatment done on your hair.

Concluding Thoughts

Keratin treatment can make your hair look gorgeous. If you want to get rid of the frizziness, then you must try this treatment. However, it would be best if you chose a reliable and professional salon to do this treatment. Say goodbye to the daily hassle of annoying rough and frizzy hair. Get keratin hair treatment and flaunt your lustrous hair.

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