Essentials You Need To Know Before Getting a Gelish Manicure!

Gelish Manicure has become one of the most sensational product to try on your nails as it was considered to be the forthcoming of nail polish having which "longer" lasting effects and "shiny appearance". Despite being beautiful and long-lasting, this manicure can sometimes be tough on nails and even cause nail brittleness, cracking and peeling, however continuous use can upsurge the risk of skin cancer and premature skin aging. We have compiled a series of tips recommended by dermatologists to keep your nails healthy before, during and after gel manicure: Proactive ask your manicurist whether tools are properly cleansed and sterilized through disinfectants after every usage. Also make sure that your manicurist push or cut your cuticle which can lead to infection and inflammation. Use traditional nail polish instead of gel polish , if you are prone to nail problems or resistant towards acetone which is required to remove gel polish. Don't ...