How Often Should You Get A Gel Manicure?

A gel manicure is a tempting way to pamper your hands and keep them well-done for a longer duration of time. Due to its multiple benefits like long lasting property, perfect shine and smoothest textures, gelish manicures have become prominent among customers of any home salon services in Dubai. The gel manicure is initiated in a similar way as a normal one with cutting the nails, cleaning the cuticles, filing the nail surfaces to make them smooth, etc. However, the difference arises when the nail paint application starts. In gelish manicures, you will first get a base coat which primes your nails; this special polish dries under UV radiations, so after each coat, you have to expose your nails to the UV rays, for around 30 sec. Most of the home beauty services in Dubai will offer you artificial UV lamps for this purpose. Then, there is a final coat on the top to get it finalised. A gelish manicure is done in that way. Consecutive gelish manicures As attractive is the manicu...